venerdì 17 luglio 2009


Hi everyone! Finally, after half an year, I decided to write something new on this blog.

Summer has come and you know what that means... Sun, sea and beauties walking around almost naked : P
Well, I must admit I was in good shape when I walked on the beach for the first time this year, but I wanted to add something to my body in order to improve my sex appeal even more.
I'm talking about abdominals. Yes, that' the point... The belly doesn't "catch attention" anymore; abs do!
Statistics say that Women likes "not so carved", which means a good six pack abdominals not so exagerated should do the trick ; )
I use to go to the gym a couple of months every summer and I am able to stand a series of 200 -250, but this year I was quite busy with my university exams, so I had to do my workouts at home...
Now, since I had few time, I decided to hack off my belly using some hyperfast method and I tried the one linked on
Hey guys, I tell the truth, the methods explained rock! Not only because I have learned many ways to do my workouts, but also I was able to correct my posture and notice that many things I used to do were quite wrong!
Now I'm doing my exercises the better way, and I'm happy. Well, after 18 days, the packs are starting to form. I may stop now, but I will let them improve a bit more.
As I said, women like it not so carved, which means forget to let "the turtle grow" (that's how they use to say in Italy : P ).
Well, as always, if you wish to ask me something, my email is

Have fun during your summer!

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